Enhancing Employment Opportunities through Vocational Training for Special Need Adults
July 21, 2024
Vocational training is one of the most important segment in the education of disabled children. Vocational education aims to train students about the skill training, concept of a job and job related functional academics. The goal and function of vocational education for students with disabilities is providing them with skills to secure employment opportunities for independent living. It is the specialized training and practical grooming sessions for the children to excel in their fields of skill and interest.
• To promote employment oriented skill, up gradation training to special need adults and their caretakers (if applicable)
• To encourage self-employment by acting support agency providing necessary help
• To certify and to liaison with the trained institutes in order to strengthen training placements opportunities for the trained differentially abled and their caretakers to provide.
• To provide guidance and counseling to identified persons with disabilities to increase their participation in society as an individual.
• To improve quality of life of identified persons with disabilities by improving interpersonal relations.
• To support persons with disabilities through income generation activities
In conclusion, vocational training plays a crucial role in empowering individuals with special needs by equipping them with the skills necessary for meaningful employment and independent living. By focusing on certification, self-employment initiatives, and fostering partnerships with training institutes, we can create more opportunities for job placement and economic participation among differently abled individuals. Moreover, the provision of guidance, counseling, and support services enhances their overall quality of life and social integration. Through these efforts, we aim not only to improve individual outcomes but also to promote a more inclusive and equitable society where everyone can contribute and thrive.
Dr Nadeem Ghayas