
Cerebral Palsy: Overview of Main Types and Symptoms

August 1, 2024

Cerebral palsy affects movement and coordination. There are a few main types:

1. Spastic
Muscles are stiff and tight. This is the most common type. It can affect:
– One side of the body (Hemiplegia).
– Mostly the legs (Diplegia).
– All four limbs (Quadriplegia).

2. Dyskinetic
Movements are uncontrolled and can be jerky or writhing. Muscles might be too loose or too tight.

3. Ataxic
Balance and coordination problems make movements shaky and unsteady.

4. Mixed
A combination of different types of CP, showing a mix of symptoms.

Cerebral palsy affects movement and muscle control in different ways. The main types are spastic, dyskinetic, ataxic, and mixed, each one with its own characteristic features. Understanding these types helps in providing the right support and treatment.

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